Tag Archive | love

Reason #30 Allendale Is Better Than Where You Live: Love and Acceptance

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“Sometimes the thing you never know to ask turns out to be the biggest blessing of all.”  Rev. Deb Richardson-Moore, The Weight of Mercy

We are in Greenville now. But a big piece of our heart is still in Allendale, so we will go back. There are football games to attend, and kids to see.

And memories to re-live and keep fresh.

Our Start in Allendale

I started working for the Boys & Girls Club in Allendale County on January 17, 2011, and the club opened two weeks later. That’s 3.5 years ago. Living and working in Allendale since then was such an amazing experience. And surprising.

As we transitioned to Allendale in that season, we were told by some of our initial friends in the community that Allendale residents were wary of outsiders. And for good reasons. Over the decades, many folks have come to the county with big promises. Most departed with full pockets and/or satisfied souls, but left a wake of chaos and brokenness.

So we came in with more caution than expectancy, and more humility than authority. We came to serve and to learn. And hopefully (we reasoned), we would earn their trust over time.

Nothing has surprised us more than this reason that Allendale has been such a wonderful place to live:

“The community of Allendale welcomes you with love and acceptance.”

Read why this has been so surprising…

Not “Bigger and Better”

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It was last day of working at the Boys and Girls Club, a program that I helped re-launch at the beginning of 2011. Just weeks earlier, I made a decision to leave that job, even without knowing what I would do next. (PS — God did come through for me with these four jobs.) But I did know that my wife and I were committed to the well-being of children in Allendale County.

On this final Club day of the semester, the children led a special Christmas-themed program, in which we invited parents and organization leaders. The children did a fantastic job, of course.

Near the end of the evening, one of the organization leaders spoke to the audience. She thanked me for my work that year, and wished me the best. But what she said next infuriated me, and it was only by the grace of the Holy Spirit that I did not react immediately.

She said, “Mr. Joey is moving on to bigger and better things.”

The rest of this post is bigger and better. Click here to find out…

What’s So Great about the Great Commission?

2007 Kenya Nyeri Church Sign

Don’t give me credit for the following insight. The main idea I heard for the first time last month, in a preparatory meeting for the Eleuthera Mission Trip. It was insightful to me, and I wanted to share it with you.

How many of you can recite the “Great Commission”? Most of you, I’m sure, know it from Matthew 28:18-20:

18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

A few things to point out (things I’ve learned over the last 19 years or so):

Click here to read what I’ve known about the Great Commission, and what I was missing…

Hospitality Is Not What You Think It Is (Sharing Our Story with CBC — Part 2)


In this three-part series, I am letting you know what I shared with the congregation of Community Bible Church (in Savannah, GA) a couple of months ago. I was asked to share our story of living in Allendale, as a part of their teaching on James 1:26-27 (regarding looking after the vulnerable of our society).

Here is the second part of my talk.

Last time, I set the context of Allendale, with respects to its demographics. Then, I focused on the issue of how generational poverty involves a lack of hope. When our “neighbors” don’t have a hope that life can or will change for the better, what do we need to do?

We need to be the body of Christ, and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Your Presence, Not Your Presents

A lasting hope does not come by writing a check, or donating your used clothes, or by telling people, “You need to work harder and get an education,” or even by teaching a Bible story and doing an altar call. Yes, those things may be needed, but you can’t start (or stop) there.

What is needed is for the body of Christ to come alongside and to show love. People need your presence more than they need your presents.

And people don’t need your hospitality. At least, they don’t need YOUR definition of hospitality. Click here for my explanation…

Missed Opportunities

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Have you ever had a great idea for how to help someone, only to think of it too late to make a difference? I feel like this happens to me all the time, and the latest time was just a few weeks ago.

We were in the checkout line at Target (obviously, we were not in Allendale). I overheard the customer ahead of us talking with the cashier, and I deduced what was happening. She had brought all her items to the counter, but as the cashier scanned all the items, the woman realized that she had forgotten her wallet at home. She had no way to pay.

From what I could figure out, the cashier was going to scan and hold all the items, and the customer would go home, get her wallet, and return to pay for the items. I felt bad for her, knowing it would be a hassle. But I was glad that at least all her items would be at the checkout, so she wouldn’t have to do the shopping all over again.

As we were walking through the parking lot, the thought hit me, “Why didn’t I just offer to pay for her items?” It was only about $50 worth of stuff. I could have given her my address so she could mail a check later on. Or even if she didn’t, I could have just chalked it up as a way to serve someone.

However, this thought occurred to me too late. The lady was gone, probably on her way home, kicking herself and frustrated for making a simple mistake.

Likewise, I was also kicking myself and frustrated for not thinking how I could help her in the moment.

Don’t miss this opportunity to keep reading…

Your Love and Support

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A couple of weeks ago, I wrote how blessed we are to be a part of God’s story in Allendale. But I neglected to mention a very important part of His work here.


I especially thought of our financial supporters at the end of last year. You see, most of our financial supporters give through Grace Church. And at the end of the month, we receive a report of everyone who gave on our behalf, and a total amount donated.

When I looked at the report from December, I was shocked. Besides over two dozen regular supporters, there were eight additional families that contributed to us (and to God’s work through us) in just that month. In fact, every month we are blessed with a few “surprise” donors.

For everyone who has donated on our behalf, know that we are thankful and honored to partner with you in God’s work in Allendale. You are just as much a part of His story here as we are.

But financial support is not the only way that many have shown us love.

I’d LOVE it if you kept reading…

A Love Letter

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Two weeks and two days ago, we celebrated Joanna’s birthday. (Applause)

Today is our 14th wedding anniversary. (Applause, Applause, Applause)

I wrote her a love letter for her birthday, and with her permission, I’m sharing part of it here, since the words pertain to our mission together, especially over the past few years.

“I know and see how much you love Jesus, and the mission that He has called us to. You are passionate about our marriage, our kids, and our ministries only because you are passionate about our Lord and Savior.

I love the adventure that we are on together, as a part of God’s redemptive story. I am so glad that we can share this adventure. There is no one else that I could ever wish to be with.

We complement each other. My boldness and edgy-ness pushes us forward. Your wisdom and patience tempers my rashness. God has brought us together for His purposes and glory. Nothing could be better.”

I love you, Joanna! Looking forward to many more years and adventures together!

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.”  Proverbs 18:22


Related Links:

**image courtesy of Peter Hellberg via flickr

A Day of Love

Valentines Poem from Joanna 2013

For Valentine’s Day, Joanna wrote me a incredibly creative poem on poster board, with different types of treats substituting for different words. For example, she wrote, “You are the best husband in the ___” and inserted a Milky Way bar. And she slipped in a reference to my weight gain with a Chunky bar.

If you think that last one is a little mean, wait until you understand what I got her. . . . Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

The best I offered her was that she didn’t have to do much (or anything) for any of our meals that day. I prepared the kids’ breakfast, I picked up friend chicken (Hardee’s, of course) for lunch, and we went out to dinner. At least it was something, right?

But what made this day even more special was not the love that our family got to show each other, but the love that we got to share with others in our Allendale community.

From 8AM until dinner, here’s what our day looked like…