Tag Archive | after school

The Big Announcement

microphone_retro everystockphoto FlashInPan

image courtesy of FlashInPan via everystockphoto

Here we are. After months and months of questions, we finally know what we’ll be doing next.

Actually, we’ve known for a few weeks, but finally the timing is right for us to communicate.

Are you ready for this?

But before I say more, I want to just say “Thank you” again for all your support, prayers, and encouragements. We have had an amazing adventure over the past 3.5 years, and we could not have done this with the people that have gone ahead of us, walked alongside us, and spurred us on.

Click here to learn more…

Questions, Questions, Questions . . .

STEAM Camp 2014 Art

We are finishing up two weeks of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Camp in Allendale. I had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of this, through my job at USC-Salkehatchie.

With over 40-50 children signed up each week, we had our hands full. We had great teachers and student workers, but I was still exhausted at the end of the day. I’m getting old!

Nonetheless, I was excited to see these children learn and enjoy themselves every day!

What else has been going on? I’m glad you asked . . .

Do you have questions? We have answers! Click here…

Super(intendent) Wisdom: Part 1 — Always a Coach

football flickr dartmouth_harvard

Here’s a warning for you: if we ever get together to talk, or if I hear you speak, I’m going to be taking notes. Ninety percent of the time, I carry around a steno pad, but even if I don’t, I’ll grab a scrap of paper or napkin to write things down.

Being a visual and kinesthetic learner, I absorb information better when I see and apply them. Writing notes and sketching diagrams are two ways that I do this. Plus, writing helps me process at deeper level, and provides a good outlet for the constant flood of ideas in my brain. (This is evidenced by the 1000+ blog posts I’ve written on three blogs I started over the past 5.5 years.)

So, if we meet, I’m going to ask questions, and listen, and write down ideas. I’m not interrogating you or trying to catch you slipping up. I’m merely stealing your ideas.

This is what I did when I had the opportunity to hear from two school administrators earlier this year, my former high school football coach and the current interim Superintendent of Allendale County Schools.

You don’t want to miss this wisdom…. Click here!

Crazy for Robots

FLL State Tourn 2013Feb

As I began my job to increase the pipeline of students pursuing careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math), I had been considering bringing a robotics program to Allendale. It wasn’t my idea, though. There were a bunch of people who were telling me, “You should really think about _____.”

I had heard a lot about FIRST LEGO League (FLL) over the years, but had never seen it in action. I heard how great of a program it was, and also how much it required of students and leaders.

Last February, I traveled to Lexington (SC) with one of my sons, to watch the state tournament. We watched some of the competitions, saw some teams’ information, and got a feel for the event.

Near the end of the day, as I sat in the gym bleachers, I thought, “We can do this in Allendale.”

And YOU can click here to learn more…

New Programs in Allendale: Chess and Robotics

Chess Set

Will your children participate in any extracurricular activities this fall? And will you be helping with anything?

Of course, I will be focused on coaching football this fall, in my second season as an assistant coach for Allendale-Fairfax High School. And I am excited about two new programs that will be launched at Allendale Elementary School, both of which we get to help with.

Chess: A Game of Kings and Kids

I have been teaching my kids to play chess for a couple of years now. My oldest son Elijah has shown the most interest so far; he and I even competed in a tournament earlier this year (and we will again this coming Saturday).

Keep reading to learn how we will implement this in Allendale…

What I Loved About the Cooter Fest

2013-05-11 12.08.15

There is a lot to love about Allendale’s Cooter Fest (or Spring Festival, if you prefer). You’ve got lots of food options (though few of which are healthy). You’ve got rides (most of which are wobbly or rickety). You’ve got a parade (though not much shade to protect you from the scorching heat).

And, of course, you’ve got the famous cooter (turtle) race. We won our first race with our rented turtle (“Lighting McTurtle”), but failed to qualify for the division finals. I was partly disappointed, and yet mostly happy. We waited 3 hours for less than 5 minutes of racing. Not nearly as exciting as last year.

The food, rides, parade, and cooter race are what makes this festival so popular. However, what made this year’s event special for us were some relationships. In particular, we were blessed by four groups of people: interns from last summer, a brother and sister, parade hosts, and a family that provided us with lunch.

Read more about these relationships…

Summer Plans 2013, and How You Can Help

Summer Soccer Camp 2012

He’s excited. Are you?

A lot of people (in Allendale and from out-of-town) have been asking us about Our Summer Plans. For the past couple of months, we have mostly told people:

  1. We WILL be doing something.
  2. We don’t know exactly what we will be doing.

Within past couple of weeks, our schedule has been shaping up. And we want to take this time to remind you that since we have no interns, we have space available for students, adults, and families to spend some time with us. If you (or someone you know) want to spend time in Allendale this summer, please leave a comment or contact us.

Ready to hear what we have going on? Ready to learn how you can be involved? Hold on to your hats!

Click here to learn more!

After After School

Ice Cream Truck

We finished up our After School program earlier this month. After PASS testing (for 3rd graders and up), we knew they would have a minimal amount of homework for the rest of the month. Plus, I started spring practice for football, so I would not be available.

As we came up on our last week of programming, I had mixed emotions. I felt relief, as I was ready for a break. With football for me, and baseball for our youngest son, it is nice to have some more time freed up.

But I also felt a little sad. We spent 4 months with these 10-12 children. We got to know them more intimately, and connected with them and their families. There is a big part of us that will miss seeing them every week.

And despite our feelings of relief and sadness, we are also joyful for the opportunity we had. We are thankful that we even had the chance to do this program! From the use of a church building, to a large donation to get us started, to other donations (of money and snacks) along the way, to the local volunteers who made this a success, we recognize that we could not do this without the support of so many. And that includes the people who financially support us, so we didn’t have to earn any income off this camp.

Read about our past highlights, and our thoughts for what’s ahead…

Great Un-Expectations

TT_13-04-18 Moving Allendale 2011

Two years ago this week, my family moved down to Allendale.

You may know that for 13 weeks, I “commuted” between Greenville and Allendale. I would leave Greenville on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning, work all week (and stay at my Homes Away from Homes), and return late Friday night.

Twice, Joanna and the kids came down here for a few days, so that they could acclimate to Allendale and be at the Boys & Girls Club with me. But in mid-March of 2011, when they drove out of Allendale, I cried my eyes out. I knew that the next time they came down, it had to be to move. I couldn’t stand them leaving and me being left.

With some gracious southern hospitality and help from friends and leaders at Grace Church, we were able to move into our house here in Allendale on April 16, 2011. But when we moved in, we thought this would be a temporary home. We expected to live here a few months (maybe 6-8, tops), and then move to something that would give us more room to live in and have guests.

Yet, we are still here. And we love being here.

In a great neighborhood, around families that we’ve come to know and love. Walking distance to the post office, Hardees, Latisha Diner, and Family Dollar. Less than a 200 feet from a couple of my football players, and the church building where our after school program meets.

Living in this house for so long isn’t the only thing that has surprised us.

Read more of our un-expectations…

Our Summer Plans

Soccer Art Camp 2012

Especially since our Spring Break camp is over, we have been getting a lot of questions about what we will be doing this summer. In truth, parents and children in Allendale have been asking us this question since January, or even earlier.

You may remember that we did a month-long camp in the summer of 2012, where we partnered with the summer school program for Allendale County Schools. We also helped with another church’s summer program, and we led a soccer camp for the Recreation Department. By the end of the summer, we had much to celebrate.

With the success of our several camps in the past couple of years, we know that we want to do something this summer. We love the opportunity to work with children, and to give volunteers an opportunity to serve in camps.

So, if you’re wondering what our plans are for this summer, I’ll give you the same answer that I have been giving others: 

Click here to learn the answer…