More Ministry Opportunities in Allendale

In the previous post, I let you know about which jobs I will be working as we go into 2012. But there are additional ministry opportunities that we think God has for us, as a part of Our Ultimate Purpose in Allendale.

Where I’ll Be Volunteering

Besides the job opportunities, we plan to be involved in other ministry opportunities: 

  1. Boys & Girls Club.  I want to volunteer 2 or 3 afternoons per week. There are three reasons we feel the need to still be a part of this organization:
    1. Our own kids — virtually all their friends in Allendale are at the Club. They need to be there.
    2. Our connection with the students — we have grown to love and care for them. We want to help them succeed in life.
    3. Supporting the staff in this transition — we know how important volunteers are.
  2. Fairfax Baptist Church.  Being a part of a local church is important, for our own sake and for God’s kingdom. At least part of our role is helping this church to get more involved in the community.
  3. Schools.  I hope there are more opportunities to support the school district.
  4. Coaching Football.  Yes, I do get compensation, but based on hours-vs-pay, it’s basically a volunteer job.
  5. “Feet on the ground.”  We have already been communicating with other churches (besides Grace Church) within a few hour radius of Allendale, making plans for ministry opportunities this spring and summer.

How We’re Able to Do Ministry Here

I’m thankful for the 4  jobs that I’ll have next month, but the total compensation will not be enough to support my family. As when I worked for the Boys & Girls Club, we will need additional help through financial support.

Grace Church is partnering with us in our adventure, and we are thankful for it. But, while we do receive some support from Grace Church, the largest portion of income that we have received is contributions from individuals and families. So, when I resigned from the Boys & Girls Club, it’s not like Grace Church would write me a check to cover what I needed. I need to work, and my family needs additional financial support.

I am thankful for everyone who has supported us in 2011, through contributions, prayers, and visiting us. As we move into 2012, we still need those same things. If you want to give a one-time donation (tax-deductible) before the end of the year, please see the financial support page.

And if you would like to support us on a monthly basis (also tax-deductible), please email me and also see our financial support page.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”  (Matthew 9:37-38)

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  1. Update on My New Jobs « Mission: Allendale - January 10, 2012

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